What can I expect as a new patient?

Dr. Kaitlynn will conduct a comprehensive examination and review your health history to understand your musculoskeletal concerns fully. Based on these findings, you will collaboratively create a personalized plan to achieve your health goals. Treatment will be provided at the end of this visit to kickstart your journey to wellness.

Will you be taking an x-ray at my appointment?

No, we do not have an x-ray machine at our office, and there's a good reason for that. Recent research indicates that routine x-rays are unnecessary for achieving positive patient outcomes or ensuring safety. However, if x-rays are medically necessary, Dr. Kaitlynn will gladly refer you to a facility where you can have them taken.

What is your late or cancellation policy?

Your appointment time is reserved exclusively for you. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, but please be aware that late cancellations or missed visits leave gaps in our schedule that could have been filled by other patients in need. To accommodate everyone's needs, we require a minimum of 6 hour notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Patients who provide less than 6 hour notice or miss their appointment will incur a $40 fee. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.